STUDENT/PLAYER Evaluation FormYour feedback on the game would be tremendously helpful. You will find an opportunity to provide an endorsement at the bottom of the form. Thank you!An asterisk * indicates a required field. Date * MM DD YYYY Name * First Name Last Name Email * Grade/college level/other * Teacher/facilitator * Class/subject * How do you identify your race/ethnicity? * Length of class or meeting time * Over how many classes/meetings did you play? GAME PLAY What words best describe your experience playing the game such as fun, engaging, frustrating, powerful, interesting, boring, educational, confusing, emotional, challenging? Was the board game a good way to learn and/or to teach about racism? Why or why not? What was the general tone of the discussions during game play and/or during debriefing—for example, respectful, confrontational? Please explain. Was there anything that you or the facilitator could have done to improve the game-playing experience? Did using the Zee’s Blog storyline add to/distract from discussions of racism? Please explain. Do you have any comments/suggestions on any of the Situation or Bonus cards? Which ones? Please explain. Do you have any comments about the game board space that asks, “How does racism directly impact you?" What, if anything, did you learn about racism from playing the game? What, if anything, did you learn about yourself from playing the game? Are you more or less likely to speak out against racism after playing the game? MORE LIKELY SAME AS BEFOEW LESS LIKELY ENDORSEMENTS (INCREDIBLY VALUABLE!) If you found the game useful, a 2-3 sentence endorsement to promote the game would be appreciated. May I use your responses to this evaluation form to promote the game? * Yes No If so, may I use your name and your school/facility's name (if applicable)? Any additional suggestions or comments? Thank you for your time!