Feedback Evaluation FormYour feedback on the game would be tremendously helpful. You will find an opportunity to provide an endorsement at the bottom of the form. Thank you!An asterisk * indicates a required field. BASIC INFORMATION Name * First Name Last Name Email * City * State * How did you hear about the game? * Name of school/college/other where game was played * Grade/college level/other * Subject taught/unit/reason for playing * Approximate class/group size * Length of classroom session/meeting time * Over how many classes/meetings? * How do you identify your race/ethnicity? * Do you have a co-facilitator? * If so, how do they identify their race/ethnicity? How would you describe the racial/ethnic and socio/economic mix of the game players? * Did you have any difficulty in downloading the materials? Did you notify the parents of your students/players that a game about racism would be played? Yes No If so, was the “Talking Points” letter in Helpful Tips useful? Yes No What was your purpose for offering the game, and did the game fulfill your purpose? GAME FORMATS Which format did you use: Self-Directed or Guided? Why? If you used the Guided format: Did you project the cards or print out sets for each team? How did this work out? If you used the PowerPoint option for the Guided format: Was the wording on the slides easy to read (that is, was the writing crisp and clear)? Is there anything else you feel should be added to the PowerPoint? GAME PLAY Did you print out the two-sided handout for each player? Yes No Did you use the “Framing the Content for Success with the Game” document? If so, was it helpful? Please explain. Did the storyline element add to/distract from discussions of racism? Please explain. What were the players’ reactions to the game in general, and what specific challenges, if any, arose? What was positive? What, if anything, surprised you? Did players make it to the finish? If not, how did you present the conclusion of the story to them? Please explain. What form/s of debriefing did you provide yourself? Your players? Any suggestions for me and/or other facilitators? SITUATION / BONUS CARDS Do you have any comments/suggestions on any specific cards or on the cards in general? Please explain. GAME INSTRUCTIONS / HELPFUL TIPS Any suggestions for improving either of these game documents? Did you pair the game with a book or activity suggested in Helpful Tips (such as focus questions or journal writing), or did you create your own activity? Please explain. If you used a focus question, which one did you use? What did the before/after responses reveal? OTHER FEEDBACK Will you use the game again? Please explain why or why not. What, if anything, would you do differently? May I use your responses to this evaluation form to promote the game? * Yes No If so, may I use your name and your school/facility's name (if applicable)? ENDORSEMENTS (INCREDIBLY VALUABLE!) If you found the game useful, a 2-3 sentence endorsement would be appreciated. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS? Thank you for your feedback!